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Patrick Doran

Wow, "Best of My Love"? I thought Henley didn't like that one because it was too whiny??

time is a tickin

From the entrance to the exit of their multi-city tour, no better place than Little Rock to make their departure back to the resting place they call home. Congrats on the 40th anniversary of your conglomerate, wall of sound. Welcome to the land of flame and fizz once again you have managed to leave the audience wanting more. I'm so glad you dusted off one of my favorite songs, The Best Of My Love. What could be better than not wanting to eat for 3 or 4 days after eating a hamburger at Hub Cap's, good times:) You had another full house to entertain and to raise the roof, well done. Words are all I have to use to paint a picture, and what a picture you have painted. Continue to lead with excellence and injoy your time off..

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